Curated Golang Library
HTTP / Framework
- echo (opens in a new tab) - 28.4k stars
- fiber (opens in a new tab) - 31.2k stars
- mux (opens in a new tab)
- Gin (opens in a new tab)
- goose (opens in a new tab) - Database migration tools (SQL Syntax)
- testify (opens in a new tab) - basic mock
- gomock (opens in a new tab) - testify alternative maintaned by Uber
- mockery (opens in a new tab) - generate mock
- gotest (opens in a new tab) - go test with color
- monkeypatching (opens in a new tab)
Microservice Toolkit
- GoKit (opens in a new tab) - 26.1k stars
- Gizmo (opens in a new tab) - Toolkit from New York Times
- go-micro (opens in a new tab) - 21.4k stars
- kite (opens in a new tab) - 3.3k stars
- hystrix (opens in a new tab) - Circuit Breaker by Netflix
- limiter (opens in a new tab) - Simple rate limiter
- viper (opens in a new tab) - Go configurations in file
- color (opens in a new tab) - Color package for Go (golang) - 7k stars
- aurora (opens in a new tab) -
alternative - swaggo (opens in a new tab) - Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go
- go-swagger (opens in a new tab) - Swagger 2.0 implementation for go
- lumberjack (opens in a new tab) - Logs
- zap logger (opens in a new tab) - Logs by uber-go
Go routines
- conc (opens in a new tab) - better structured concurrency for go
- go-grpc-auth-svc (opens in a new tab)
- Mattermost (opens in a new tab)
- financialsupplychain (opens in a new tab)
- echo
- go-ethereum
- go-coffeeshop (opens in a new tab)
- microservice
- grpc
- go-webapp-sample (opens in a new tab)
- echo
- gorm
- Zap logger
- swagger
- unit test
- webauthn (opens in a new tab) - Auth library
- ory (opens in a new tab) - IDP