🔨 Infrastructure



Using fy-infrastructure.


Portainer Architecture

  • Portainer consists of two elements, the Portainer Server, and the Portainer Agent.
  • Addionally, edge agent, an agent that needed for remote, sending the data within different network


I used this blog as reference (opens in a new tab)

  1. Create docker volume
docker volume create fy-portainer-data
  1. Run with docker
docker run -d -p 18000:8000 -p 1443:9443 --name portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v fy-portainer-data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest	
  1. After that you should create a password,

  2. Then, you could visit the homepage. You should not do anything to manage your own local docker environment. Homepage


  • Manage Container Manage container

  • View Container Details Container details

  • View Container Logs Container logs

  • Permission Role Based (Business-only) Permission Role Based

Deploy with Stack

Stack is docker compose.

  1. To deploy with stack you could open your environment > stack > add stack

  2. Then, you can paste the docker compose file here

Adding stack
